
Planning for the DCBIA Community Improvement Day

Every year, the District of Columbia Building Industry Association (DCBIA) hosts an annual event known as Community Improvement Day. For the last seven years, Cunningham | Quill Architects has been involved in the design and planning of the event, with two staff members also serving as co-chairs for the past three years. Utilizing the skills of local building industry professionals and local community members, the event attracts 300-400 volunteers for the day-of activities.

Existing Marvin Gaye Recreation Center

This year’s Community Improvement Day is at the Marvin Gaye Recreation Center in Northeast DC. The local community and the DC Department of Parks and Recreation are very excited to partner with DCBIA to improve the Center and expand the programs there. For the last few months, our design team and other local designers have been working to develop ideas for beautification and program spaces.

On-Site Design Charrette

If you’re interested in learning more, volunteering, or donating materials for the event, please see the DCBIA Community Improvement Day page.